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Personal Reflections

As an emerging educator, I am deeply reflective of my practice and constantly thinking about how I want to grow and improve for my future students. This is the page where you will find my current musings.

SDTR Residency Year 1 

Areas of strength

After my first year in the classroom, I have noticed these teaching superpowers:


  • Creating moments of mindfulness in the classroom: prioritizing student wellbeing (mind, body and spirit)

  • Connecting social-studies/English content with cultural awareness and identity work

  • Collaborating with students to push their thinking and creativity through their writing

Areas of growth

What I'm focusing on developing in the upcoming years of teaching:


  • Creating sustaining structures, routines, and habits that serve myself and students alike

  • Delivering positive feedback and celebrating student work more regularly - centering assets

  • Gaining mastery over classroom dynamics and being able to adjust and adapt with more conviction/decisiveness


How might I...

How might I guide students to understand systems of power while centering hope, love, and learning?

How might I welcome moments of conflict and friction with students that move towards mutual understanding instead of resolution?

How might I cultivate important attitudes and perspectives of emerging adults in ways that feel authentic to students?

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